The Conversation
"We all are just walking each other home." ~ Ram Dass

How do you want to be "walked home"?
Have you ever tried to enter into a conversation with a loved one about their mortality? For some, it can be a fairly easy proposition; for most, however, it proves to be difficult.
Over the course of fifteen years, we struggled to have "the conversation" with Tim's parents about how they would like their last years and days to play out. Despite our best intentions, the talk never happened.
There were so many questions that were left unanswered. What was important to them? What was unresolved? What gave them joy? What if one of them died before the other? How did they want to be cared for in their last days?
Our greatest hope is that Miss Norma's story will help other families have a better time broaching this difficult subject. Although we know that driving your loved one around the country in a motor home is not the answer for everyone, we have to ask, "What might work for you?"
What is important to you when you can no longer speak for yourself?
The links provide a few ways that may help your family and friends initiate this important conversation.
Five Wishes This living will/advance directive is legal in most states, is user friendly, and speaks to all of a person's needs: medical, personal, emotional and spiritual. Once we filled these out together, a sense of total peace fell over our family.
Driving Miss Norma Facebook page Many people have told us that they have used our story to organically begin this conversation with loved ones. Seeing images of Miss Norma on her end-of-life journey made the subject more relatable and less threatening to talk about.
National Healthcare Decision Day This day exists to inspire, educate and empower families about the importance of advance-care planning. The link provides many resources to accomplish this, and we believe that interest in this subject should not to be limited to just one day.
The Conversation Project It’s time to share the way we want to live through the end of our lives. And it’s time to communicate about the kind of care we want and don’t want for ourselves.
The Conversation Project offers free tools, guidance, and resources to begin talking with those who matter most about your and their wishes.