America's Great Loop

Have you ever heard of America's Great Loop?
We hadn't until July 2017. We were just coming off our 6000 mile book tour and wondering what to do next. The world was our oyster and we were open to suggestions.
Brainstorming, Ramie flippantly said, "why don't we just live on a boat?" Instead of rolling his eyes in disagreement, Tim remembered visiting Roche Harbor, Washington the summer before with Miss Norma and seeing Ranger Tugs for the first time. We thought they looked remarkably livable through our RVers lens but didn't give it another thought at the time.
He googled Ranger Tugs and immediately came across an article about the Great Loop. Tim's unquenchable thirst for knowledge lead us to learn everything we could about the circumnavigation of the eastern part of the United States and a few bits of Canada.
Within a couple weeks of this "Google fest" we became boat owners, and interestingly have now found ourselves on another 6000 mile journey that should take us about a year to complete. We are now "Loopers!"